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Brown butterfly in its early age!!!

Hello, how are you working? I hope you are all fine, life matters a lot, whatever it is, the life of these little insects is as important as ours. This is a brown butterfly which is in its happy life now it will grow up in days and spread its wings and take a lot of enjoyment of its life.

The surprising thing is that these small insects have all the machinery that is present in a big body, and while moving these small things, we can become very aware of the nature.


We know that the life of these little insect is few days but its life is spent only on flowers, other insects like it also get their food from flowers and spend their time by staying in these flowers at night.


They also lay their eggs inside the flowers, where they stay safe and increase their breed, when the flowers wither, they increase their breed again with these eggs.


Their flying speed is quite high and when it sucks the juice of flowers of different colors, then their colors also become different, just like the flowers and leaves it eats, they also get their color and it is mostly like trees and small flowering plants.


If it is looked at carefully, it looks like a small helicopter whose everything is complete and ready to fly, its eyes are such that there are two small points, it also takes a nature's power to see it.


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Brown butterfly in its early age!!! was published on and last updated on 10 Oct 2021.