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Rai Mohammad Azam

Practical work for creative students in a class.

Whenever students are asked for a new job, they become very enthusiastic and start waiting to do the new work, they think in their mind and restless to take their work to the end. According to my view, the practice of learning is much more influencing and favorable because the effect of the work shown in the verbal is less than the act of learning in practice.


When I asked these kids to do something new, they did a lot and these kids colored in different ways by making those things and I realized that kids learn as fast as we do bit practically than verbally or reading.

In this way, the ability to think increases in children and children emphasize on thinking of new things.


When a child is made to do any nectar and work, it enters in his mind forever and whenever you ask him, he can easily tell, so we should give more attention to teaching in practice.


Such works which play a more important role in their lives, we should teach them in a practical way so that they can face less problem in their lives. Thanks

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Practical work for creative students in a class. was published on and last updated on 09 Oct 2021.