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Rai Mohammad Azam

We should be grateful to the old people.

Ever since man has come to this world, he has been making different things in search of living, there is a big difference between the old era and today's era, there are many people who keep the fact in mond that the people of the old era were probably not so intelligent to build houses for living.

But we can also understand this thing in this way that at that time human beings did not even have such a small resources which we have today and all this is the result of the hard work of the first people, many people will agree me on my point that what we are now is just for their hardworking.

Today this small building which is of a worship and it is present in such a small village where about 60 to 70 percent of the work is completely raw.


The people living here have proved that even though they are so backward from the world, they are aware of that they too can build such a building.


In the picture above, you can see and enjoy this beautiful scene and if you do not agree with me, then definitely comment below because I think that because of the result of the hard work of the old people, today we are living in luxury houses.

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We should be grateful to the old people. was published on and last updated on 09 Sep 2021.