There is a famous saying "knowledge is power" that is very easy to understand it as power controls everything easily. It is very important for a person to be healthy to get knowledge of every kind.
Attention and activeness, these play a very prominent role in the implementation of any learning, if a man is not mentally, physically active then he is unable to understand about happening around him.
Age also plays a very common role in the practice of learning, especially in order to make children active and smarter in the practice of learning, their physically and mentally activeness is necessary because if they are not, then they will be weak in learning.
Before the start of the class, I took out all the children and by making them stand at some distance, they could remember the extent of all the things with ease, so that children could understand more things easily.
When I started getting them to exercise, the children were very happy and they started exercising with great pleasure, some children were seen standing with great passion because they had become completely active.
The response of all the children was not the same because some of them were physically heavy and some were very slim, due to this some children were victims of their laziness and some children were very active who were immediately following the gesture but I want to make them all active.
First of all I got him breathing exercises and told him that you should be active and breathe through the nose and reject it through the mouth, then reverse this practice and they started taking the breath through the mouth and rejecting it through the nose because it make them oxygenated.
After getting breath exercise done, then the arms exercise started so they felt better physically and start doing this with great pleasure.
Children are very happy while jumping and jump up loudly and give a lot of opportunity to the legs, in this way the children also exert full force and also bear their weight.
Leg exercises play a very common role for walking and if you keep doing proper exercise, then your legs are active in walking and you do not have any kind of problem.
Hands straight up, the children were touching their feet, due to which their waist was being exercised a lot. They were doing it so beautifully because they were feeling happy doing it.
After this I got them jumping again and during jumping also asked them to do the face on the other side, which some children were doing very well and some children were completely lazy in doing this.
During this I asked the children that if any child is tired then he can sit but no child was ready to sit, all the children were exercising with great joy and they want to do this on daily basie.
Now I was feeling that students want to do repeat action in a good way and trying their best so they were doing every action at my gesture and by doing so they were feeling better.
Even in sports, the physical condition of children accounts for a lot, if children continue to exercise on a daily basis, then they will be able to perform better in sports because playing is not only for the sake of leisure, but due to this, a person learns discipline, teamwork and training.
Exercise period was 10 minutes, so that they became absolutely active and in the end I also asked all the children to run and they ran to their class, due to which their tiredness and laziness ended completely.
In short, students were feeling great after exercising and want to practice it daily because they know exercise is very important in their learning process.
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