Milk is a perfect diet and it is used a lot in every house, many eatables are made with milk, it is used a lot in children, elders and old people.
Milk is obtained from different animals, for example, cow, buffalo and goat milk are used in our area.
Milk obtained from every animal has its importance, particularly milk obtained from goat is so valuable and saved us from many diseases also. It has very little taste but it is used for keeping good health than cow and buffalo milk and it is also used in many medicines.
Many people have kept many goats in their homes and by getting milk from them, they definitely fulfill the need of their home and remaining is sold to the milk man.
Cow's milk is used a lot all over the world and it is also very beneficial for humanity. Cow dairy is a very big profession and many people have adopted it as a business, so many varieties of cow are found and they get milk from them and sell their milk to get money.
Cow's milk is used by people for drinking in homes and its tea is also made, apart from this, cow's milk is used to make curd and many products of eating are made in which it is used.
Buffalo milk is drunk with great passion in our area because it is considered to have more strength and lube which is healthy for worker. Its milk is more rich than cow and goat and this milk is very good in extracting curd and butter. Cow's milk is thin but it is very beneficial for health.
Most of the people use buffalo milk to get butter and ghee because it contains a lot of mixed pulses of butter and ghee.
We have winter season here and we use milk, we have boiled it and will take sips of milk in cups because drinking hot milk at this time removes the tiredness of the whole day.
The use of milk is very important to stay healthy, we should use milk in our everyday life because it strengthens the bones and a person is safe from many diseases.
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