Hi, Hiveians!
With the advancement of modern technology, everything is improving nowadays, all sectors are developing. Similarly, the agriculture sector is also developing. It has happened, despite this, fertilizers are being used in our area for better crop production. Demand for everything is increasing due to the growing population of the people. Better crop production is essential to meet this demand. Various technologies are being used to take care of the crops.
We use pesticides to increase crop yields. Nowadays it is very important to use pesticides to increase crop yields. The use of pesticides protects against various diseases and also increases the yield. There are different ways to use pesticides. This tractor method is the most used.
And it also saves time and can be sprayed with maximum crop pesticide. If we want to increase the best agricultural production, we have to use different types of pesticides. Because it is desperately needed over time. Due to the gradual increase in population, the demand for the crop has increased. There are numerous benefits to spraying. The biggest benefit is that the cindy that grows on it will die which will keep its leaves safe.
The small leaves of the potato plant rot. If spraying or spraying is done on them, the effect of snow will be less which will keep the leaves safe and potato production will be better because we know that if there are no leaves of any plant then its photosynthesis process stops and the plant does not grow at all.
This is what you see in the pictures. There is a huge spray tank behind a tractor in which after pouring water and dissolving the appropriate amount of pesticide in the back of the tractor. Spraying the crop will protect the potato crop and its yield will be very good. Using modern technology we should increase the production of our crops so that we can meet the increase in demand in the markets and meet the nutritional needs.
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