This week's question is going to be very interesting and has interesting meaning, on which every man will give his view and always think about it.
Many people enjoy this type of question, now there is a very detailed answer to this and Islam also has the best answer because Islam is true to science and wisdom.
There is a lot of trouble in the world and difficulties come, if the fate of human beings is to be guessed, then there is a lot of peoples in this world. Every community has its own issues, in the wake of many progress in the world, people are very happy in one side, then somewhere there is so much suffering and that people do not even have the facility to eat and drink.
[Image source:]( to my opinion, man has been created by Allah Ta'ala and this world holds the status of a test for him. Ever since man was born, from that time till today, the heavenly books and prophets have been sent to every community from the side of Allah Ta'ala, and this trend has been due to the reason that Allah Ta'ala tells man so much about good and evil.
If a man lives his life according to the path shown by Allah Ta'ala in this world and there are difficulties and troubles in that life, then it is the trial of that man.
Whatever is alive has to be blown away and many people believe in the life after death also in Islam there is a life after this life if you are successful in this world and tolerate hardship with patience. Then the next life will surely be in paradise and there every human being will be given youth and there will be a lot of goings on which he keeps in this world for all his thoughts and imagination.
The second aspect is also that if there was no happiness, sorrow would not have realized, if there was no sorrow, then a person would not have felt happiness, in the same way, if there is difficulty, then the ease is still present and similarly if a person is in some trouble, so the other man also gets a chance to help him because we see in everyday life that some people seem desperate to help others and some people pass by even seeing people in troubles.
This world life is an temporary life and we can compare it with a common test, when we go to the exam its time is fixed , and if we get good marks then we reach to the next level and get good position.
In Islam the poor man will be sent to Paradise a 100 years ago and it will be given to him because he is poor in this world, but there is a condition to be remain with in the limit of commandments of Allah.
If a person passes his life through difficulties or whatever condition he lives, he gives thanks to his Allah, then it means that he is successful because the greed of the world is very bad thing that causes poverty, suffering and problems for himself as well as others.
Similarly, Allah Ta'ala does not want to harm any human being at all and it is often the actions of the people, due to which they are punished in the world because of their bad actions with other people.
The second thing is that if every person is happy then this world can not go on at all because if a person works in a second grade, then he agrees to work for others. To run this world system, people also need a cause and that is why many people are very happy, so many people are in trouble and they work to eliminate their problems, due to which this system is running.
Some people do not believe in the life of the hereafter and they prefer the life here and there are people in the world who believe that they will live the life after this, they do not prefer trouble in this world. They lead their lives to get better place in hereafter.
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