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Rai Mohammad Azam

The future of crypto currency in the modern world (My views)

img_0.11668525968092931.jpg [Source](https://pixabay.com/photos/currency-bitcoin-feedback-thumb-3804023/)

There are numerous projects for cryptocurrencies, but the most popular ones are Bitcoin, Litecoin, EOS, Ethereum, ERC-20 tokens and many more. Nowadays we can see that all coins have a great potential as well as market capitalization. We can observe that there is a big opportunity for the development of new coins and ideas. So, in this article, I want to talk about how the crypto world is changing. As you know, when cryptocurrency was started the main idea is that only a global economy can work with Bitcoins and it would become like gold. But at present, it's time to think about its opposite, what if the cryptocurrencies disappeared from our daily life. At the moment people are talking about Internet technology, which changes everything in our lives. And the Internet means not only money, but also everything. Yes, some believe that one day cryptocurrencies will disappear from their everyday life, but those who know that you can do something without them. So, here you are the question of time: How much time do you spend on social networks? For me, I usually spend about 5 hours a day on Facebook or 1 hour on Instagram. That's why it is so important to take action and use social media. On the other hand, let me tell you that if someone asks you "What are your favorite songs," you probably say this song by Justin Bieber. So, people nowadays are more connected than they used to be. What are these conditions of the current situation? Why don't we need cryptocurrencies anymore? If we had no internet, what would people do? It seems that everyone wants to make his/her own business on the web. You can read more about why people create websites online and it is a great way. Nowadays, many famous pages need to hire developers for website development of such sites. The reason is that most of them are in constant demand. And in this sphere, only companies which have reliable developers work with their clients. So, yes, people want to work on their site not only because they want to earn but also they want to show what they have, their talents. Today, we have lots of things to choose from. And we want to be different, that's why we try to find the best solution. When I thought about my project, I got a lot of things. Many options were available. But the truth is that even though it many projects, but unfortunately, still I couldn't find a good solution. Even it has a clear outline, but none of them fulfilled my expectations. At first, I needed to improve myself. That's why I came up with several tasks and started thinking again.

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The future of crypto currency in the modern world (My views) was published on and last updated on 18 Apr 2022.