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Rai Mohammad Azam

The day is end!

The day is now end

As soon as the sun arises, everyone gets out of their homes and gets busy in their business. Often people make a list of work (for the next day) before sleeping, so that they can start their work as soon as they wake up in the good morning.

The day passes after the whole day, and then the time of evening comes and the sun is about to settings. It's time for the end of the day and at this time the sun is setting here and everyone is thinking of going home.


Watch this beautiful sight of the sun which is giving a message to every man that now it is going the time to take rest from the day's work.

After a while it will start getting dark and people will try to reach their homes as soon as possible.

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In the countryside people try to go to bed early and get up early whereas in cities this is not the case, people stay awake for a long time and then get up late in the morning.

A person who sleeps early gets up early at all times and has a lot of time in which he is able to complete most of his work, so there is a famous saying that "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise"

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In these pictures you can see that the birds are also going to rest in their nests and they now have an idea that the sun is going to be end and darkness will fall in which they can be worth many dangers so they are going to reach their destination.

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All the living things in the world are aware that when the sun is about to setting, the day is about to end and all the living beings prepare to reach their resting places, but there are many living beings who awake at night to get food, so there morning time for them.

Be positive with others as you want, others be positive with you

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The day is end! was published on and last updated on 09 Mar 2022.