10 Ways to Be a Good Student
[Source](https://pixabay.com/illustrations/education-books-training-letters-2107899/)Being a good student isn’t just about staying up late to study and pulling all-nighters in the library; it’s also about having good habits that will help you reach your goals and learn more effectively. Whether you’re studying to get into college or taking night classes to get ahead at work, these ten habits will make you stand out as an excellent student among your peers and teachers. They may seem simple at first, but they can make all the difference when it comes to how successful you are.
[Source](https://pixabay.com/photos/teacher-learning-school-teaching-4784917/)Keep an organized binder:
Take advantage of dividers and folders in your binder, such as those with tabs. This way, you can organize your notes from each class together. To make flipping through your notes easier, color-code or label tabs with sticky notes (one for each class) so that you can easily flip to what you need when studying for a test.
[Source](https://pixabay.com/photos/class-discussion-girls-study-child-302116/)Always do your homework:
While it’s tempting to procrastinate, if you want to be a good student, make sure that you’re doing your homework on time. In fact, try getting it out of the way early by planning ahead and working on your assignments well in advance. Not only will you have more time for yourself after school and on weekends, but teachers will also recognize that you’re an industrious student who is serious about their grades.
Show up early to class:
Although it may seem counterproductive, arriving early for class is a great way to set yourself up for success. The extra few minutes you spend planning your day (and listening to music!) before class are usually well worth it in terms of productivity, but there’s more than that. Arriving early sends a message to both your professor and your peers that you respect their time and take attendance seriously.
Take diligent notes:
Students who take good notes not only do better in class but also have better memories and improve recall of course materials. To make sure you’re taking great notes, follow these simple tips
Study once a week:
No one likes studying for tests, but it’s necessary if you want to keep your grades up. If you don’t study, it won’t matter how hard you work—you won’t get better at your coursework. Every Sunday night is a good time to set aside some time and spend it with your class materials. Once-weekly study sessions could be all you need to stay on top of things.
[Source](https://pixabay.com/photos/little-girl-graduation-graduate-4288526/)Don’t stress over exams:
As you get closer to an exam, it can be tempting to pull all-nighters and cram information into your brain at all costs. In reality, students who tend not to stress over exams are more likely to get good grades. Try meditating or practicing yoga before an exam—it could help calm your nerves so you feel more relaxed when taking it. There’s also some evidence that suggests exercise may increase memory and concentration.
Read the textbook, not just the assigned reading:
It may seem obvious, but it’s important. You can miss out on important facts or key information if you skim over reading assignments. Also, instead of heading straight for Wikipedia when you get stumped, try researching in your textbook first—it may have your answer in an easier-to-understand format.
Understand your teacher’s grading scale:
Many students go in blind when it comes to understanding their teachers’ grading scales, but getting familiar with them ahead of time can save you a lot of headache. If you don’t have your teacher’s syllabus, try asking for one. If that doesn’t work, read your course materials and grade breakdowns from other classes in that department.
Reward yourself when you are finished with each unit:
You can reward yourself with anything from getting a massage, playing some video games, or even going out and getting drunk. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that makes you happy. It will help you stay motivated and continue working hard.
[Source](https://pixabay.com/illustrations/magnifying-glass-clock-stopwatch-4664708/)Have accountability:
If you’re working with others on an assignment, be sure to hold yourself accountable by setting strict deadlines and outlining each step of your deliverables. Write these down and keep track of them in whatever way works best for you (an Excel spreadsheet, a Google Doc or paper calendar work well). This will ensure that even if you get distracted or lose focus, it won’t impact your overall grade.
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