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Rai Mohammad Azam

Tea party with friends on a unique place.

Drinking tea with friends is fun in itself, if you have time, then call your friends and gossip with them and also offer them tea. The real purpose of our gathering is not to drink tea, but we try to solve each other's small problems by chatting with each other. In today's era, when inflation is becoming very high in the whole world, due to this almost every person who is weak economically has become weak, is facing many problems.


Along with everyday chatting, we also picked up a lot of stories by remembering each other's old memories and thus also remembered many other friends who could not come.


Understanding the problems of your friends and trying to solve them is the sign of a good person and if your friends are good then you never have to face any problem at any point of your life.


Along with working throughout the week, a person becomes tired of too much business by doing routine work, he becomes a victim of general exhaustion and feels comfortable by all these things by sitting with friends.


All of us friends sat on the terrace of a restaurant and chatted a lot and there we drank special sugary tea and enjoyed a lot.


Many people are very busy in today's world, due to which they do not have any time to sit beside each other to express their problems, that is why people are becoming victims of stress.

I give a suggestion to such friends that you must spend a few moments of your life sitting with your friends, who will make you mentally as well as physically relaxed.

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Tea party with friends on a unique place. was published on and last updated on 17 Nov 2021.