There is a famous saying that health is a thousand blessings, it is a fact that if a person is healthy, then he enjoys from all the blessings and happiness of life. To get an idea of this, if you want to know this fact, then ask a patient who is not blessed with many blessings in life because of his illness.
To maintain our health, we should include fruits in our food and especially I emphasize very much that seasonal fruits should always be consumed and eaten.
This seasonal fruit keep us healthy according to the season and protects us from many diseases during the season because if seen, the thirst in winter is very less, so raspberry fruits are there in winter which we eat, our body gets required water from these fruits.
It is the onset of winter these days and fruits are being eaten in which there is a lot of calcium which is very beneficial for our health because you know the role of calcium is important in our body which strengthens bones and keeps our body strong.
We have the beginning of winter here and this orange is one of the best fruits of this season in our area, which is fully ripe and has a lot of calcium, we are eating it in a plentiful way these days so that our body may get calcium for our body.
It is sour somehow because it belongs to a breed that is similar to lemon and also contains citric acid which is very beneficial for stomach to digest food, we include this in our daily food.
Because of latest technology now unseasonal fruits are present everywhere but I always prefer to eat seasonal fruits because they are created by nature according to that season for the benefit of human health and need.
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