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Rai Mohammad Azam

Scorpion in our area, it is poisonous and dangerous!!!

Scorpion has many kinds in the world, there are some varieties of Scorpions found in forests and deserts, but among them there are such kinds that are very poisonous and dangerous.

There are different colors of Scorpion, in which Scorpions are found in red, white and brown colored Scorpions are found in common.

This color scorpion is found in our area, which is present in large numbers because it is mostly produced from animal dung and this is its diet. It is very poisonous and dangerous scorpion, if it stings someone, then its body hurts and the poisonous spreads immediately in the body, due to which the man's comfort goes away.


Today when I woke up in the evening, I suddenly saw this which was mounted on a wall of the washroom, when I saw, it started moving fast because it is a scorpion lives in dark and it doesn't reveal in light at day time.

In the heat of the weather, their number increases and they lay their eggs at sage place because these larvas come out of their eggs due to moderate temperature in the summer season, and then these larvas develop themselves slowly and steadily.


This scorpion is still a baby and when it grows up then its color will be completely yellow and it will become more dangerous than ever.

They live in the form of colonies, most of them are in such a place where they can get food easily because they grow on their own strength.

Initially they walk slowly and as they grow up, their speed of walking and running also becomes very fast and they are fast in stinging because if they feel threatened by anything, then immediately make their tail strong and sting its enemy. .


If you look at it carefully, it is becoming poisonous inside and the color of the blood of its body and legs is changing from red to yellow, due to which it is becoming poisonous.

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Scorpion in our area, it is poisonous and dangerous!!! was published on and last updated on 26 Nov 2021.