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Rai Mohammad Azam

Roses, delicate, petals and colors

Flowers are one of the beautiful sights of nature, perhaps God has created such things which exemplify human beings. The flowers are very beautiful and of various colors, which are very delicate, their petals are so beautiful that on touching them, one feels the softness and delicate.


If you look carefully at this flower of rose, its color is so lovely that the heart wants to see and touch, the brightness and beauty of its color attracts a person towards it.


Although its age is very short, but as long as it feeds, its beauty and elegance remains intact.

All the flowers that have been colored differently, all the flowers keep their beauty and invite to humans to look at them.


Some people like flowers are also very soft-tempered and beautiful, whose words touch the heart and wish to meet them again and again.

Some people's heart and mood are very soft and they consider even a small thing as a big thing, we should keep the identity of such people and try to talk according to their mood.


Just as soft delicate butterflies and whirlpools sit on the soft petals of rose flowers and suck their juice, similarly some people who are soft-tempered are visited by soft tempered people.


These beautiful colorful butterflies come and sit on the flowers and pick pollen with their legs and carry them from one place to another, which leads to pollination and helps such new flowers to bloom.


According to my opinion, the way of leading a man's life is like the life of these rose flowers as they keep their soft and delicate petals in their life with brightness and beauty, similarly the world is also so attractive and charm for us.

In the end, I request all the readers of this post to be soft in your mood and make yourself soft and beautiful like these flowers so that people smile towards you.

I hope you will do the best.

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Roses, delicate, petals and colors was published on and last updated on 10 Dec 2021.