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Rai Mohammad Azam

My photography is here!

Photography is a skill and I love photography very much. Photography of beautiful things passing by is my hobby.

The beautiful views of nature are also uncountable and there are many such things whose beauty attracts us towards them.  "IMG_20220121_120828_976.jpg"

The color and texture of flowers look very beautiful, when you do photography of something, then its beauty is taken from every angle. Photography is absolutely perfect in terms of color and design of these flowers.


Leaves of different colors and their texture is small and beautiful, these leaves look very beautiful when they are kept in a good manner in courtyard of the house.


But if the dust on them is cleaned properly and they are fully protected, then their color and beauty increases even more.

 "IMG_20220121_141158_963.jpg"  "IMG_20220121_143525_609.jpg"  "IMG_20220121_120823_579.jpg"  "IMG_20220121_143517_200.jpg"

If you look at the things passing around you, then you will also find such beautiful things of nature that you can photograph, for this you take just a little time and look at the things around you.

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My photography is here! was published on and last updated on 22 Jan 2022.