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Rai Mohammad Azam

My child just creep to reach his destination.

Baby children have their own problems and only the mother of the children can understand these problems better. When we were children, maybe our mothers also had our needs and always met our needs.


When I see a child, I remember my childhood when I was so little and my mother took care of my life and today my mother is not in this world, and when I miss my mother I often cry as it is time to serve my mother. My mother is not with me at the moment. When I see my son's love and affection for his mother, I feel the love of my mother. I always miss this love and affection.

You can also see this mother-child love in animals. In many places you may have observed that mother and child are not far apart and live close to each other and their expressions of love for each other are different. Allah has given them intellect so that they can understand every single thing better than animals.

Baby children have needs but they don't explain to meet their needs just cry and their mothers understand the need and fulfill it and then become full men. Then we should remember the childhood when the mother took care of our needs and meets the needs of them. when the child grows up, he should also take care of his old mother to remember her love with you. Thank you for visiting my post.

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My child just creep to reach his destination. was published on and last updated on 01 Sep 2021.