Rose flowers always look beautiful because their color is very attractive, that's why people like rose flowers very much.
In our area, roses of ruddy color are very much liked because they are used in all the matters related to marriage and other celebrations.
It blooms its flowers completely in winter and so that the color looks the same in all the petals and it is an fragrant flower.
When we want to give respect or importance to a person, then we make them wear a rose flower necklace and sprinkle rose petals on them.
Many flowers bloom at one plant and when it starts blooming, it becomes complete flower in 4 to 5 days only. When its petals visible, its fragrance also starts coming, when it becomes a perfect flower, then its fragrance increases more.
In the beginning, when this flower starts to emerge, it seems that its size is not too much, but when it becomes a perfect flower, then it is very big, from which it smells so much that if you keep it near you with just for fragrance then it emits fragrance for 6 to 8 hours.
The fragrance of red colored roses is very sweet and lovely, so people love only these colored roses a lot and it is also planted in the courtyard, orchards and gardens etc.
Rose flower petals are also traded, people take it from one place to another for business purpose, many people are attached to this business.
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