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Rai Mohammad Azam

Leaves fallen in winter!!

When winter starts, many changes occur, in which the biggest change is the fall of the leaves of the trees, all the leaves of the trees fall and there are some plants which are evergreen.

The seeds and fruits of some trees are ready to ripen, which after completing their life on the trees, they start falling slowly, sometimes the birds eat them and sometimes humans use them.

In the picture below, you can see that the leaves of the tree have fallen and it was thought that it has been done and its seeds have also been ready, which will become a reason to be taken from one place to another by eating various birds.


After the leaves of the trees have fallen, all its branches are visible, but during this time we can tie its branches by looking at it in a good way, because the side where the branch is known, it moves on that side and if we change its route, it can be possible to move that direction.


If we want to cut any branch of the trees and plants, then that also becomes possible very easily because in this way the blockage of the leaves is removed and the whole tree becomes visible.


Some plants and trees can also be joint in this season, which can be done very easily, then this season has many advantages that the old leaves of the trees fall and as soon as the spring starts, new blooming from the plants and trees starts, that looks so beautiful and nice in looking.


I stopped here and kept watching the trees for a long time and kept taking view of the fruits on them, in which the seeds have been ripped and many leaves have also fallen, in this season this tree looks completely empty.

Love the trees 🌱

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Leaves fallen in winter!! was published on and last updated on 26 Dec 2021.