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Rai Mohammad Azam

Laughing keeps us healthy!!😂🤣

Everyone can manage his stress by laughing at strange and unexpected actions in everyday life

Laughter is a part of everyday life and often people keep themselves very happy and enjoy a lot in this time of life. Often people go joking while chatting with each other and that too is a very good way of joking.

Animals are a part of our life and often animals show themselves in such a way that there is a lot of laughter, similarly you can see in the picture below that a horse is expressing itself exactly like this.

Once when I was passing by animals, I saw a horse like this and I stood laughing very much, in what way it is making its face and what kind of message it is giving.

img_0.726055453799959.jpg [Source](https://unsplash.com/photos/EXuKQaf3Ei8)

When we go through our life and look at everyday things, we often give a picture with lively things and her face looks like that which makes a lot of laughs exactly like this picture is showing, Just think that if you use this washroom and you see its appearance like this at night, then I think it will be very difficult to sit on it, yes, because it was strange.

img_0.9675619464252535.jpg [Source](https://unsplash.com/photos/LLCaj1W6EFo)

There are some moments in life when you come across a thief or a robber and at that time such weapons also come in handy because due to the darkness, it cannot be guessed that what is in whose hands, It is only understood that there is some weapon in hand with which is being challenged.

Once it happened that a thief who came to take a farmer's cattle in the dark, suddenly the farmer's eyes opened and he held a stick in his hand and placed it on his forehead and in the dark, the thief could not see stick and he understood it as a pistol, 😂🤣😂 he didn't move a single step for his life, this is how the farmer caught the thief.

img_0.03279172178459219.jpg [Source](https://pixabay.com/photos/suit-business-man-business-man-673697/)

There are some birds who consider themselves equal to the strength of a lion, so they completely protect their family and their place of residence and they consider themselves to be lions because they are in their family because of their bravery and strength. These are the birds who become the prey of hawks and the eagles. 😂🤣

img_0.05731313925129985.jpg [Source](https://pixabay.com/photos/tiger-budgie-tiger-parakeet-2430625/)

There are often such things in the houses, which are tied for a long time and when someone wants to open them and tries his best, then those things do not open, considering it to go on like this, the whole family's members were called in turn to open it, they use thier full strength 👺 to open because of great challenge before his family but when he fails, he just says, it is so hard, no one can open it.😂🤣

img_0.1194895769420172.jpg [Source](https://pixabay.com/photos/man-muscle-fitness-workout-641691/)

There are many such things in our real life also when we laugh with our own or someone else's action, in this way we have immense physical benefits by laughing, so we need to laugh to relieve our pressure.

I hope you must have smiled on your lips after reading my words and seeing pictures, if you have enjoyed after reading my post then definitely let me know in the comment section.

Thank you 😎

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Laughing keeps us healthy!!😂🤣 was published on and last updated on 27 Mar 2022.