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Rai Mohammad Azam

Just know the importance of time!

Time is such a thing that never stops, it is going on with its routine and is going on. Even if someone wants to stop it, he cannot stop it because it is not possible to stop it by any person and it is going on and it will go on and on, no one can stop it. But if a person puts himself with time, then his success is sure and he can be happy and successful in his life. If we spend our life by making time table, then we do not have to face the problems in life and if we do not know the importance of the time, then there comes a time that time loses our value.


Friends, not every person knows to value of time, if you know the value of time, then time will maintain your value one day and time is not always the same, it keeps on changing its rotation.

Take the example of a student, if he completes his education on time and does everything according to the time table, then he gets success in his life, if he does not do it then time wastes him.


We should know the importance of time and should run our life according to the cycle of time so that we can make ourselves successful in every respect.

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Just know the importance of time! was published on and last updated on 03 Nov 2021.