If a person is healthy, then he can do all the work of the world and if he is unwell, then he does not like anything. Therefore, there is such a blessing that a person can get all kinds of happiness in his life.
In order to maintain our health, we should eat all those foods, that maintain our health, protein, lipid and all kinds of vitamins, calcium and all those things which are good for our health, we should eat and drink such fruits and vegetables.
By eating fruits and vegetables according to the season, our deficiency in body is fulfilled so we should eat fruits and vegetables by season because God has given us fruits and vegetables by seasons so that we would take care of our health in that season according to the temperature.
Different types of fruits are found in different areas and in almost every area, seasons are different and because of this, the fruits and vegetables found there and now being transported from one place to another, we can take advantage of.
Orange season is going on here and we have started drinking this orange juice which is rich in calcium and vitamin C and I have specially made a glass of juice for my son, who is in meed of.
Now here is season of orange fruit and the sweetness is complete because it is a winter fruit and It is completely ripped and ready and at this time its juice is very beneficial for health.
This is a very simple machine to make juice, which does not run on any electrical energy, rather it is rotated with the help of hands and the juice is being extracted out very easily.
To maintain our health, we should give attention in eating and drinking seasonal fruits and vegetables so that we can complete our daily work in a good way, so we should take special care of our health.
"Make yourself Healthy And Strong".
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