Photography can be done of many things but photography of flowers has its own importance.
Because of the softness and fragrance of flowers, everyone likes them, the choice of colors may be different but flowers are liked by almost everyone of us.
I like flowers of all kinds but I love flowers with fragrance and I always look closely at flowers and ponder over their softness and beauty always.
The color, beauty and design of these flowers are absolutely different and such people like in their garden because the same type of flowers cannot be planted in large numbers, so people put flowers of different colors in their gardens to decorate their garden.
When I pluck the leaves of various flowers and put them on the palm of my hand, I look very beautiful seen because their colors are pure and look very attractive.
The softness of these flowers probably teaches us a lesson in soft attitude towards people so we should behave well with people and as it is said that good harvest is always in soft ground.
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