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Rai Mohammad Azam

Exercise for children is necessary to keep them active in learning.

Exercise is such a practice which keeps healthy and active. Those people who are habitual to exercise once.a day, they always enjoy good health as well as activeness. Especially when it comes to children, their growth is happening very fast, so it is very important to have exercise to make their bones strong, just like in today's modern era, yes, not doing a lot of work in outside activities.


Today I took out all the children of my class at the time of morning and got them exercised and the children were feeling very good, according to my opinion, this exercise should be done on daily basis so that the bones of the children are strong and the children can grow well.


Today I realized that many children who were doing this for the first time started feeling very tired. Some children who were heavy in weight also sat down during the exercise because they were doing this exercise for the first time and after a little exercise they started feeling tired.


The children who were smart felt great and got away from taking laziness and the kids started feeling active and I also cautioned the kids about the importance of exercise.


Some kids were so energetic that they told me that sir we are ready to do this on daily basis because we have felt very good and we all are well aware that exercise is very important.

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If we apply this practice to the children in our homes as well, then we can give them advice to exercise them on daily basis .


I have made this intention that I will make children exercise daily, so that children become active and their bones will also become strong.

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Exercise for children is necessary to keep them active in learning. was published on and last updated on 05 Nov 2021.