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Rai Mohammad Azam

Ending sunlight, ending everything!

Sunset is like ending everything on the earth. If you look carefully at this, you will know that sunlight is a main source of energy for many things in the whole world.

When the sun rises, then the living thing becomes ready to find its food and knows that the sun will go to set at last slowly but steadily.

When the sun is ready to set, it means every person knows that the day is going to be end and now it is time to take rest for the next day working.


If you consider this also, then it can be seen that the setting of the sun means that every living can not glitter all the time, one day it has to end in the same way as the sun ends at the time of setting.

Life is a very precious gift if it is used properly and works for the welfare of humanity and love with living things then this life passes in peace and calm.


After work, there is a dire need to give rest and calm to the body, if it does not happen, then the person cannot be able to work the next day.

The real purpose of making nature's day and night is also that humans and every living thing should be spent its day time in searching for their livelihood all day and rest during the night.


You can observe by the living things around you that when the sun starts, the living thing gets up and starts looking for its livelihood and when the sun is set, every living thing goes to rest.


Everything has an end, but nature has applied this every day as an example in front of everyone that one day everything will end in the same way as the sun is set at the time of evening.

In short, sunsetting gives a lot of lessons, so sometimes we should see the scenes and learn the lesson as well as enjoy beautiful scenes of the sun settings.

Thank you.

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Ending sunlight, ending everything! was published on and last updated on 30 Jan 2022.