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Rai Mohammad Azam

Emergency call for help to the patients accidentally.

It is a very good practice to help someone time and again and good people always save others' life by putting themselves in trouble for the sake of living things.
If you help someone on time, then his life can be saved, your small call can also save many people's life, so while living in the society, it is a good practice for free, which teaches a person to love humanity. Today one of our teacher got an accident while walking somewhere in his brain and he got a fracture due to which he was not able to move. He was in bad condition due to pain and blood started bleeding from the side of his mouth. I immediately called 1122 for help in our area as there is a free service by the government, an ambulance came to our school and took him to the hospital immediately for treatment.


If we help each other in this way, then in society, we will become a unit and brotherhood can be born and in this way, where these things are born, it becomes imperative to maintain peace, so wherever we live, we ought to create good passions for every living being.

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Emergency call for help to the patients accidentally. was published on and last updated on 23 Oct 2021.