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Rai Mohammad Azam

Eating Cake With My Sons In A Funny Way!

I love my sons, so we eat cake and enjoy so much

Fun is an important part of our life and if you make fun along with your family with some food and drink then your life becomes more happy.

Today my kids decided to eat cake so I bought a cake from a market and ate cake with my lovely sons. There are many people in the family too, one of my children also likes fun and he also works intelligently while working, but being happy is also his habit.

When he saw upper level of the cake, his mouth watered, he immediately took off the cream and started eating it, so I put the cream on his face and he started eating it after taking it off his face. 😂🤣😅😆😃😆


The cake was fresh and in such a size that the children ate it whole and laughed and were very happy.

In the happiness of the children, there is actually the happiness of parents when the children were putting cream on each other's mouth and were eating too. my youngest son was very excited he couldn't speak at all and he was crying a lot and that meant feed me too, I applied cream on his face too, so he took off and started eating. Lol!!!!

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It is the responsibility of the elders to keep the children happy and joking with the children is also necessary for their health. This cake was brought on the request of the children, but often I bring such a thing without informing the children, according to the season and the children suddenly get very excited after seeing such food items and express happiness.

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On seeing the cake, the younger and elder children were all very happy and first I gave the cake to my younger son to eat, then the elder one and then in turn gave it to all the children after cutting it and they started eating with pleasure.

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If any thing is eaten together with children, then it is fun, because children do small mischief while eating and also eat with great pleasure and enjoy.

Many children like surprises and if you show or give them something of their interest as a surprise, they become very excited and if you give surprise to the elders too, then they also become happy.

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It is very easy to please children because they become very happy even on small things and this happiness is the guarantee of their health and parents also feels happy seeing children happy.

Today I felt very happy when I brought the cake for children on their request and we all ate the cake together in a funny way, so that is the great thing which I wanted.

We should take care of the health and happiness of our children because it is the responsibility of the elders to keep their children happy and take care of their happiness.

If children are happy, parents are happy

I hope that many people will do this much on my words, definitely tell me in the comment section

Thank you for stopping by.

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Eating Cake With My Sons In A Funny Way! was published on and last updated on 10 Apr 2022.