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Rai Mohammad Azam

Early friendship is memorable for everyone of us!!

Friendship is such a beautiful relationship in which people express love and help each other. Friendship can happen at any stage and age of life, but childhood friendship has its own love because childhood friendship is full of innocence, particularly without greed.

The friendship of the era is often strengthened by business or transactions with each other, but the childhood friendship does not have any kind of greed or business connection instead.


You will see the friendship of these two children in the picture, they are looking very happy standing together and I asked them what do you think of each other, then both of them immediately said that we are friends and study in the same class, when we are free, play together even eat eatables sharing each other.


Seeing these two children, I remembered my childhood friends, with whom we used to study in class and together we used to play and do small mischief, all those things of childhood may not be completely remembered but some of them still remain in minds.


I think you must also remember your childhood friends and all those things and mischievous things that you used to do together.

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Early friendship is memorable for everyone of us!! was published on and last updated on 05 Nov 2021.