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Rai Mohammad Azam

Deep Learning By Practical Experiment In School.

The practice of learning in practice is very good because this is how a student tries to work using his mind and knowledge and he learns better.

Today, I got the children to practice the stomata in the leaf through a microscope, so that each child was called under the microscope to show them the stomata present in the leaves and later asked them to answer questions through which a deep intuition of the children was exposed.


First of all, being a child, when he tried to see the leaf in the microscope for the first time, he was surprised and I told every child that you have to set the microscope yourself, which will increase their confidence and they will also be able to understand the stomata deeply.


All kinds of experiments are done in the science lab which makes it easy to learn and think over things for betterment of humanity.

It is essential for any Scientist, Psychologist, Professor and a good teacher to decide how to try to learn things deeply and then use them for the betterment of the society.

This is the beginning to get ahead of any student at this age, he starts trying to understand things deeply.


Aware the children of other things lying in the science lab, due to which the children started asking more questions and thus their suspense about deep learning started growing.


Especially when the children saw a rabbit in the form of statue, and the children became full of how this is possible, when the children were taken out of the lab in this way, they were surprised that they were chatting with each other.


The more children are taught practically through experiments the result will be more effective, and this practice of teaching is very good because when a student tries to learn using his hands and his mind, then that knowledge is too everlasting for him.

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Deep Learning By Practical Experiment In School. was published on and last updated on 11 Nov 2021.