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Rai Mohammad Azam

Clouds make sky beautiful!

We see beautiful scenes of nature in our life from all sides and enjoy their beauty a lot. All the beautiful scenes in which beautiful flower beds tall trees, fruit trees and plants around us.

Change of seasons is part of life cycle. Weather does not remain the same everywhere, the weather keeps on changing, as time passes, along with the time, changing in season is compulsory.


At the time of morning, very beautiful views are seen when the sun rises in the sky and in the evening time, when the sun sets, then also the best views are seen.

In the world of photography, many pictures of the sun are liked and the photographers definitely like to capture the beautiful views of the sun starting and ending in his cameras.


This beautiful view of the sun which can be seen from behind the clouds is very lovely, it seems as the sun is hiding behind the clouds and is secretly watching through its light among the clouds.


These beautiful pieces of clouds roaming here and there create many beautiful views, when they float in the sky, it seems as if they are going from one side to the other for some purpose and their time is also fixed.


In these pictures, you see that the fragments of different types of clouds are spread everywhere and the sky is not visible at any places, these pieces of clouds will move on their own free will.


I have taken many pictures in which clouds are seen in different form, small pieces of them are also presenting their own view, will move ahead, some pieces of clouds will join together to form a big cloud but some pieces of clouds are the same.


Due to the presence of these clouds in the sky, the light is not fully visible and there is some darkness on the ground and the light does not completely fall on the ground because it hides behind the clouds.


Today, the number of pieces of clouds is visible very much because for the next four-five days, there have been reports of these clouds being present in the sky.


When the number of clouds is very high, it means that a very large number of these clouds are traveling and behind them there are very big clouds which will become the cause of rain.


I can see the beauty of clouds all around, I have taken pictures of these clouds from free take Punjabis from all around me and you can see the color shape and beauty of these clouds.


These clouds can be easily seen during the day because there is sunlight behind them, but at night these clouds cannot be photographed due to lack of light.

Due to the dense clouds in these pictures, such beautiful designs are not being made, but if the clouds are covered in the summer, then the texture of them is completely different.

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Clouds make sky beautiful! was published on and last updated on 07 Jan 2022.