I often think that whenever I look closely like clouds, there exists a world that appears only when the sky is filled with clouds.
There are many kinds of clouds, in every season, the clouds of different shape are seen in the sky. Nowadays the winter season is going on and the sky is often cloudy, whose shape is evident in a different way, nowadays the clouds look as if it is full of smoke.
When many lovely trees are visible in front of these beautiful clouds, then a very beautiful sight is seen.
On the spot, the appearance of the clouds behind the trees looks even more lovely and when the sunlight glimpses in a different way inside the clouds, then their view starts looking even more beautiful.
When the clouds move freely in the sky and their different shapes are formed, then it is heartening to see their sights.
If the wind is strong, then their speed in the sky is also fast because the faster the wind is, the faster they travel and it keeps moving in different parts of the world keeping in view the air pressure and temperature.
The fragments of clouds appear small in the sky and often when they are in large numbers, they are seen in big pieces, but there comes a time when they completely cover the sky.
There are many such countries in the world where sky is often cloudy and their arrival is very fast at that part.
When there is strong lightning and thunder in these clouds, then they look very dangerous and people often sit in silence in their homes out of fear at that time.
Clouds present any bad weather conditions, everyone immediately gets an idea when these clouds cover the sky, people guess that the weather is going to be bad and rain is imminent, like people do their crops, cattle and precious things safe from the rain and storm.
This is a very amazing world of the sky, if you ever get a chance, watch this world carefully for 2 to 4 hours.
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