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Rai Mohammad Azam

Cable network in our area that connect us to the world.

In today's era, the cable network has spread all over the world and due to this, every kind of information has reached every corner of the world. Ever since the cable network has happened, it has given information to everyone and at the same time, it has boosted the general public, if we want to use the media in a better way, then we can learn a lot through this cable network and many people are learning day by day noe a days.


We have a small village where this cable network is working, through which we watch many channels and many things are known to us.

Dramas are watched with great interest in many homes and good dramas and movies have good affect on people, I often watch the Cooking Channel, the National Geographic Channel or Discovery Channel because they contain a lot of information.


Internet is also available almost everywhere in the world, but these channels are cheaper than the internet, so many people use cable networks to watch various channels for their leisure and refreshment.

many people that can afford, they usr internet for these chanels in their homes.

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Cable network in our area that connect us to the world. was published on and last updated on 08 Nov 2021.