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Buffalo milk is used in many ways!

Milk is a perfect diet, children of humans and animals flourish only to drink milk, if there is no milk, then there can be a lot of deficiency in the growth of children, so milk is also very healthy and it is basic in the growth of children.

Milk can be obtained from different animals, but most of the milk is obtained from cows and buffaloes, apart from this, the milk of goats and sheep is also used a lot and is very good for health.


Milk has the highest amount of calcium, which strengthens bones, milk is considered to be a perfect diet, if a man remains only on milk, then he can survive, if we make milk a necessary part of our diet, then it will help us.

Now in the market there is about 50 percent of the food and drink in which milk is used, the curd made from milk is also very good for health and its use is very much in the food, we can make butter, cheese and sweets apart from this.

Milk should always be used after boiling because it becomes more favorable, often people like to drink raw milk, but it cannot be more useful than boiled milk.

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Buffalo milk is used in many ways! was published on and last updated on 27 Oct 2021.