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Rai Mohammad Azam

Army Tower For Boarder Watching:

For the security of any country, its army has a very important role. If the borders are safe, then the country moves towards progress and prosperity, because nowadays this is the most important issue in the world, if we protect our borders, then we can be safe from all kinds of wrongdoing, for example, we will look after the boarder from smuggling, attack or any other things like this. img_0.5823646136204277.jpg If the army has complete equipment and it has all the required ornaments to use to defence, then its power is felt and it can save itself and the country.

img_0.6532198693221245.jpg This tower is very beautifully built by the army for its defence and it is usually built close to the borders, so that its border can be saved from enemy attack. The enclosure of Tower is very open and inside it is about 50 to 100 soldiers can be accommodated and apart from this, weapons etc. can also be kept in it. img_0.053470400452576096.jpg

You can guess by looking at its picture that the army is perfect in its work and takes care of it in every respect.

img_0.5981944944483832.jpg We should love our country's army and should be ready for any kind of sacrifice for their need and help. ## Thanks

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Army Tower For Boarder Watching: was published on and last updated on 12 Oct 2021.