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Rai Mohammad Azam

Annual get together friendship 2000.

All of us friends who studied in the year 2000, gossip with each other and that day was fixed today we had a get together meeting in which all of us friends sit together one day and gossip about each other issues faced in everyday life.


Our purpose of gathering like this every year is that who is who and what is what because in life any issue with each other can be asked and our life can be made easy.


When we sit together like this, its only purpose is to know each other's issues and find out the solution for them so that we can make each other's life easier, if we want to help each other then this is the best way.


Many of us also have high designation in various departments and they are able to solve many small issues, that's why we gather at one place because we used to study in the same class in the year 2000. We still love each other in the same way after 21 years.


All friends come from different areas here and in this way we get inform even by the situation of different areas to enhance business activities.


After chatting for a long time, we reached a restaurant where we ordered food, some friends wanted to eat mutton and some liked rice, we ordered both and we enjoyed much after filling our stomach.

The food of the restaurant was very tasty and the service was also very good because in such restaurants where the food is good, it is only wsy to eat there, their food was appreciated by all the friends.

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We ate food and after that, for a long time, we discussed on various topics, due to which we learned a lot from each other.

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Annual get together friendship 2000. was published on and last updated on 14 Nov 2021.