I was passing on the way, so I saw this sight, Seeing this scene I realized that time is passing and everything is going to its destination. Time does not turn back at all and it is going on passing, if we look at the start of the world, then thousands of years ago, the world that came into existence, is same as it was, but time is passing in the same way. There is no such thing that can stop the time and if we look at such old things, then it is 100 years old and they have seen the time which we have not seen, if you look at it carefully, then its size and look show us its validity.
The peepal plant has become so high that many insects and birds have built their homes on it, where they consider themselves safe because it is a very old tree and there is no change in it except growing and flourishing.This tree has seen many animals and humans, those humans and animals which we could not see, in this way, if we consider it as a blessing of time, then it is absolutely true.
This type of tree is found very rare and it was probably present in a place where it did not need to be uprooted and it exists 100 years before us and I understand that it is the alarm of our past that has gone.
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