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A Wheat Crop!

## A Wheat Crop A basic need of body to lead a healthy life

Every human being needs to eat and drink to survive and there is a wheat crop which gives us basic food and that is why we are alive.

All kinds of vitamins are found in wheat which are necessary to keep our body healthy. To get energy, whoever gives us more health, that's why many countries of the world do wheat farming.


It is a winter season crop and it is sown in harsh winters, its best yield is in severe winter and snowfall. This crop matures in 6 months and it gives better yield in our country.

In the condition in which you are looking, after about 1 month, the implementation of its harvesting will start.


You see that the age of the crop is about 5 months and till this time it has been given water thrice and pesticide has also been used to protect it from diseases. Fertilizer has also been used to get better yields.


About 60% of the wheat crop is cultivated on our total land, in addition, about 20% is cultivated for potatoes and 20% is used for other usages.


The yield of a good crop is also good and for this, all the care from diseases is compulsory, it is very important. To get better yield of wheat, many variety of seed is available and people harvest various kinds of seed to get better yield.

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The wheat crop is harvested only in cold areas and there are some areas in the world where it is always hot. Due to the lack of wheat in such areas, people import a wheat from other countries of the world to fulfill their food necessities.

Wheat is used in almost every food and in Asia only its chapati is cooked which is included in the meal two to three times a day.

It is very tasty and strong to eat.

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A Wheat Crop! was published on and last updated on 02 Mar 2022.