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Rai Mohammad Azam

A Visit Of Beautiful Place.

It is a natural practice to visit beautiful places and wherever a person lives, there are some beautiful views around him. If he has time, then he should visit these beautiful sights, because the way in our world and in every country and about every community, with the passage of time, unusual changes are being happened, people are deprived of visiting beautiful places due to lack of time.


I also went to share a beautiful place close to me, then the beauty there attracted me a lot and I am presenting it in front of you in the form of pictures and of course what a beautiful look it is!


Both sides of this road is congested greenery and there are beautiful tall trees which are offering a very beautiful view and along with this cleanliness is also well managed.


Many people have come to see this beautiful place because along with it there is a border of 2 countries, on which people come to see each other and to salute their flags, the height of the country and the flag is really important for all.


Many people come here from far and wide with their children and family members and remove their exhaustion because in today's era every person is very much busy in his work and he is a victim of exhaustion, so people just come here to refresh their minds.


It is imperative to visit such beautiful places in 1 month to remove your exhaustion so that you can have fresh mind and be able to do your work in a good way again in routine.


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A Visit Of Beautiful Place. was published on and last updated on 11 Oct 2021.