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Rai Mohammad Azam

A huge distance covering car

Nowadays traveling has become very easy because such vehicles has come into existence, they take you from one place to another in minutes and you do not feel any kind of tiredness.

There was a time when people were forced to carry a lot of luggage with them to travel because it took them many days to travel hundreds of miles and their journey was also very tiring.

Today, so many fast vehicles have come into existence, in which you can easily travel a long distance by sitting and you can easily return home after deciding your cases.

This car is specially decorated for the wedding in our culture in which a groom is going to pick up the bride and this car is very luxury, it travels very fast although its oil consumption is also high because of its heavy engine.


This car is a very old model and it is a small car, it has a seating area for only two people and in this also the groom has been traveled who is only to reach wedding hall.

According to our culture, when a groom brings his bride from a long journey, he travels in the car and the car is decorated with flowers in a good way.

The engine of this car is small and because of this its oil consumption is also very low.


We have only one road on which the vehicles are still going and coming on the left side in our country.

In the vehicles we run here, the drivers sit on the right side and the car is driven from the left side of the road.

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This car is very high in speed and it covers the distance very fast, it covers 100 kms/h, it can travel comfortably and if road is good then it runs at 200 kms/h speed.


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A huge distance covering car was published on and last updated on 22 Mar 2022.