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Rai Mohammad Azam

A greedy person never gets full.

Greed is Curse

A story that give you a lesson.

A man says,

During one of my travels, I saw a man who had 150 camels and 40 employees for general trade. He met me one night and took me with him to his tent. He kept talking nonsense all night and never took any rest. He told that my wealth and property is in Turkey and he has so much wealth in India and these documents are against the lands.

And at some point, a man in my luggage is garanted, he told me while talking that I was thinking of going to Alexandria because I had heard that the weather there is pleasant. But there is this fear that storms keep coming in gulf Egypt and there is also danger of death. Sometimes he says that there is one more journey. If that journey is completed then I will sit comfortably at home for the rest of the time.

Someone asked what journey is that?

He said that he wants to export the sulfur of Iran in China because I have heard that there it is sold at a huge price and huge profits are made and with the profit, I will buy Chinese utensils from there and bring it to the Room. This is a profitable matter and after selling the silk cloth of the Room to Brahmins in India, it is a profitable business and I will send the pure iron of India to country Halab at a high price and the glass goods of Habal will give me profit in Yemen. And I will bring the shawls of Yemen and sell them to Iran, after that I will go back to my country and open a shop and sit there and spend the rest of my life comfortably. He said all this in such detail that he had nothing to talk about.

After talking all this, he said that you have heard all my words, tell me your condition also. He said that I have heard from a man that he was passing through the forest for business and going from one country to another, Suddenly he fell in the forest and said that "greed destroys a person and only the soil of the grave can fill my stomach."

The reality is that the more greedy a person is, the bigger trouble he gets into.

Thank you for stopping by.

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A greedy person never gets full. was published on and last updated on 08 Apr 2024.