A busy bee is an example of determined person to do work
To do work is a man's dignity to be successful in life. Nature has manifested to man to see the to be determined to work for success. Bee is one of those examples that is easy to observe to learn, how this little insect is always busy in its work for the betterment of life.
Life is not easy to lead as it is not a bed of roses, all the living being are forced to work for its betterment of getting facilities in life.
If you see some animals around you, you can easily observe that all the animals need to walk, run or find food for living. Similarly all birds, insects and human being work for their lives.
Working in this world is necessary, so working with planning is good way for achieving success and progress.
This bee is working not for itself but for many others as well. So in this world, mostly people work here just for themselves, they don't prefer to work for others. This against the dignity of man because Man is the super creature.
Being a super creature, man should work not only for himself but for others also. Sometime a person just help or give good advice to others without any cost, and those people get good start and be successful in their lives.
Success is attached to work, so if you learn from this busy bee to do work at work time, then it is mandatory to go high level in life.
This busy bee is going from one flower to another to collect nectar for making honey. I observed this busy bee for a long time, and got the lesson of working with honesty and determination.
This busy bee is also picking pollen and spreading this pollen from one place to another and that is caused growing flowers at different places.
Change is the law of nature so work for the change of your life.
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